It’s quite unusual now that I am asked to provide part day wedding photography so when Aisha and Zarif got in touch and asked me to provide coverage for their intimate wedding blessing with their closest friends and family I was honoured to join them and capture the day. The wedding blessing was very local to me so I popped along to bridal prep for half an hour to capture the final details of wedding hair and makeup. Aisha had the most beautiful henna from her henna party celebration the day before.

When I arrived with them Zarif was getting everything ready and putting the ribbons on the car with one of his groomsmen. Aisha was having her hair and makeup done by one of her bridesmaids. I wasn’t with them very long but we still managed to get some beautiful bridal portraits by the window. Zarif was in the lounge getting the final parts of his suit on so I took the opportunity to also grab a handful of groom prep pictures.

The wedding blessing was scheduled for evening so during the planning stages we decided it would be a much better idea to do the bride and groom portraits and photos of the bridal party before the blessing which worked really well because we still had good light. It was drizzly all day but they didn’t mind at all, it was important for them to get some pictures together with the riverside as a backdrop because this is close to home and an area they walk frequently.

The wedding blessing was at Buon Apps in Otley which is a delightful riverside Italian restaurant by the river Wharfe in Otley. It serves the most amazing Italian cuisine and as well as the Yorkshire stone interior they have an outdoor glass conservatory which is perfect when the rain and cold set in.
The entrance to the blessing was one of my all time favourites with the bridal party dancing down the aisle together in pairs, it was such a lively happy atmosphere with all the guests waiting to greet them as they entered. Aisha danced down the aisle with her Uncle. They were the last to enter and the room was so full of happiness and excitement.

The blessing was short and sweet, it was very personal to them as it was carried out by a family member. They then went straight into speeches from best men, bridesmaids, Uncle and Groom.

The meal was absolutely amazing, whilst everyone ate, the bride and groom mingled with their friends and family, some coming from as far away as South Africa. We did sneak out to get some after dark images too. I had full intentions of getting some really lovely rainy pictures with the umbrellas. But typically, by the time we headed outside and did them, the rain (which had been constant all day) had almost stopped!!

The evening party was electric, everyone was up dancing. Aisha & Zarif did their first dance and then invited everyone up to dance with them. They then partied into the night with an R&B themed party. I got all the dance floor shots I needed then headed off and left them to continue dancing into the night.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog. If you are still looking for your wedding photography please feel free to get in touch through my contact form x